Craft Beer Club has a great holiday deal – save $10 on prepaid gift memberships of 3 months or more, or $25 off an annual membership (plus bonus gifts!). For $39 per month you’ll get 12 beers (want more to share? opt for the 24 beer a month club). You can also select bi-monthly and quarterly options, although most beer lovers will be delighted with a monthly shipment! With a prepaid 12 month gift your recipient will get a bottle opener and tasting glasses, plus 12 months of brews. The discount is automatic – no coupon code required – just visit Craft Beer Club
The Craft Beer Club discovers exceptional craft brews from around the country and delivers them each month direct-to-you or your gift recipient. Every selection is produced by small-production, independent brewers who use only traditional brewing ingredients and time-honored brewing methods. In addition to traditional bottled beers, we also embrace the hundreds of small craft brewers around the country that offer their hand-crafted beers in cans. It’s the newest way to enjoy craft beers.
There is no membership fee, no obligation to continue, and you may cancel anytime for any reason.
Find more Beer Clubs and and holiday gift ideas for men in the Hello Subscription Box Directory.
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